Audition agreement form

Little Mermaid Audition Forms


Email Address:

Physical Address:
(circle one):

     M      F

Please indicate which roles interest you (please select all that apply):

Chorus         Solo          Non-singing         Dancing

Please list any previous experience or skills you have which could be used in this production.  For example:  gymnastics, dance, music, public speaking, acting, etc.

Signatures are required for the following.  If you are under the age of 12, please have a parent sign.  If you are over the age of 12, please sign it personally:

I have reviewed the rehearsal and performance schedule, and I can commit to 100% attendance (signature required):

I agree to a $25 costume rental fee (signature required):
Please provide the name of your parent or guardian along with a phone number and email address:

If you are under the age of 12, please provide the name and phone number of a parent or responsible adult who would be willing to help back stage during at least one performance:

Use this space to share anything else you would like the production staff to know:

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